Ethiopia Thwarts Iranian Plot to Attack UAE Embassy
Source | Iran is seeking to “activate sleeper cells” in Africa in order to attack “soft targets” in an attempt to avenge the killing of top commander Qassem Soleimani in a US drone strike and its top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh…
‘Ethiopia to welcome mediation of Turkey with Sudan’
Anadolu Agency | 'War is not an agenda. If mediation is offered by Turkey, Ethiopia will appreciate it,' says Foreign Ministry spokesperson
If offered, Ethiopia would appreciate the Turkish government's mediation on the recent border…
Er Norge redd for å stille krav til Etiopia?
Bistandsaktuelt | MENINGER: Den nye partnerlandstrategien baseres kun på «de gode historiene om Abiy Ahmeds regjering». Hvorfor tør ikke Norge å stille tydelige krav til Etiopias myndigheter? spør Dereje T. Asefa.
Jeg fikk tilsendt den…
Ethiopia: Journalist attacked and threatened with death
International Federation of Journalists | Ethiopian freelance journalist Lucy Kassa was attacked at her home in Addis Ababa on 8 February by three unidentified armed men in plain clothes who threatened to kill her for her reporting. The International…
Korrespondent skal ha blitt angrepet og truet i eget hjem: − Jeg er veldig redd
VG | Mandag skal tre bevæpnede menn i sivilt tøy ha tatt seg inn i leiligheten til Bistandsaktuelt korrespondent, Lucy Kassa (29), i Addis Abeba.
Kassa har vært Bistandsaktuelts korrespondent i to år. Hun sier til VG at hun først ikke…
Etiopisk minister erkjenner at det har skjedd voldtekter i Tigray
NTB | Etiopias kvinneminister sier at det utvilsomt har skjedd voldtekter i den krigsherjede Tigray-regionen i Etiopia.
Uttalelse er en sjelden innrømmelse av at kvinner og jenter i Tigray er blitt utsatt for seksuelle overgrep under regjeringsstyrkenes…
S&P joins Fitch in downgrade of Ethiopia on potential debt restructuring
(Reuters) - S&P Global Ratings on Friday downgraded Ethiopia’s long-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings to ‘B-’ from ‘B’ on potential debt restructuring, announcing the move days after Fitch Ratings downgraded…
Ethiopia dollar bonds drop after Fitch downgrade
NASDAQ | Ethiopia's sovereign dollar bonds dropped nearly 2 cents after Fitch downgraded the country to CCC, citing the government's plan to make use of the new G20 common framework to overhaul its debt burden.
The country's outstanding 2024…
Ethiopia: Government approves ‘first step’ towards Tigray emergency assistance
UN agencies have received approval from the Ethiopian Government for 25 international staff to provide humanitarian assistance inside the country’s conflict-torn Tigray region, the UN Spokesperson said on Monday.
“This clearance is a first…
EU urges Eritrea to stop meddling in Ethiopia war
EU Observer | The EU has urged Eritrea to withdraw troops from Ethiopia and for access to diplomats, aid workers, and journalists to war-torn regions. "The EU joins the United States' call for the withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Ethiopia,…