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Ethiopia: Persistent, credible reports of grave violations in Tigray underscore urgent need for human rights access – Bachelet 

OHCHR | GENEVA (4 March 2021) – UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet on Thursday stressed the urgent need for an objective, independent assessment of the facts on the ground in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, given the persistent…
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IPIS Briefing February 2021 – Ethiopia-Tigray Conflict

Ethiopia-Tigray Conflict Ethiopia Criticizes Amnesty Report on Massacre in Tigray | 27 February 2021 | Bloomberg Ethiopia’s government criticized a report by Amnesty International that alleged war crimes in the northern town of Axum last…
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House Foreign Affairs Press Release: McCaul Responds to Reports of Ethnic Cleansing and Massacres of Civilians in Tigray Region

Press Release House Foreign Affairs Committee 02.27.21 | Media Contact: 202-225-5021 Washington, DC – House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican Michael McCaul has released the following statement in response to reports of ethnic…
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UN says malnutrition ‘very critical’ in Ethiopia’s Tigray

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The United Nations says Ethiopia’s embattled Tigray region faces a “very critical malnutrition situation” as vast rural areas where many people fled during three months of fighting remain out of reach of aid. The…
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Iran denies plotting to attack UAE embassy in Ethiopia

MEMO | Iran has categorically rejected the allegation contained in a New York Times report that it is planning to attack the UAE Embassy in Addis Ababa. The denial was issued by the Iranian Embassy in the Ethiopian capital. "Neither Ethiopia…
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Sudan summons home envoy to Ethiopia amid border dispute

CAIRO (AP) — Sudan has summoned its envoy to Ethiopia home for consultations amid a growing border dispute that has seen military buildup along the two countries' border in recent weeks, an official said Wednesday. Sudan's Foreign Ministry…
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Ethiopian Politicians in Hunger Strike Urge End to Impasse

Bloomberg | Opposition leaders have gone without food for almost 3 weeks. Oromo Federal Congress leaders facing terrorism charges. Time is “running out” to resolve an impasse with imprisoned Ethiopian opposition leaders who’ve spent almost…