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Ten Elections to Watch in 2021

Source: Council of Foreign Affairs | by James M. Lindsay Ethiopian Parliamentary Elections, 2021. Ethiopians were supposed to go to the polls this past August. That vote was postponed, however, ostensibly because of COVID-19. If the vote…
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Ethiopia’s Problems Will Not End with a Military Victory

Substantial efforts are needed to reduce political tensions ahead of elections in 2021. USIP Publication: Aly Verjee | Tuesday, November 24, 2020 As violence continues over control of the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray, Ethiopia’s future…
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What’s Happening in Ethiopia Is a Tragedy

By Tsedale Lemma for ©The New York Times Much of the blame must be laid at the door of the prime minister. The announcement last week that the government was about to launch a military operation into one of the country’s regions came, to…
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Ethiopia is about to cross the point of no return

©Mail&Guardian - Rashid Abdi  & Tobias Hagmann With the world’s attention fixated on the United States elections, Ethiopia embarked on a civil war last week. In a time span of five days Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who won…
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ጎራችሁን ለዩ፥ ከህዝብ ወገን ወይስ ከወንጀለኞች ጎን

ሰለሞን ነጋሽ ጦርነቱ ትክክል ነው፣ ከህወሓት ጋር ነው። ወንጀለኞችን ለህግ ለማቅረብ የሚደረግ ህግ የማስከበር ስራ ነው። ብላችሁ ለምታምኑ ህሊናችሁን…