Ten Elections to Watch in 2021
Source: Council of Foreign Affairs | by James M. Lindsay
Ethiopian Parliamentary Elections, 2021.
Ethiopians were supposed to go to the polls this past August. That vote was postponed, however, ostensibly because of COVID-19. If the vote…
Ethiopia’s Problems Will Not End with a Military Victory
Substantial efforts are needed to reduce political tensions ahead of elections in 2021.
USIP Publication: Aly Verjee | Tuesday, November 24, 2020
As violence continues over control of the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray, Ethiopia’s future…
What’s Happening in Ethiopia Is a Tragedy
By Tsedale Lemma for ©The New York Times
Much of the blame must be laid at the door of the prime minister.
The announcement last week that the government was about to launch a military operation into one of the country’s regions came, to…
Ethiopia is about to cross the point of no return
©Mail&Guardian - Rashid Abdi & Tobias Hagmann
With the world’s attention fixated on the United States elections, Ethiopia embarked on a civil war last week. In a time span of five days Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, who won…
ጎራችሁን ለዩ፥ ከህዝብ ወገን ወይስ ከወንጀለኞች ጎን
ሰለሞን ነጋሽ
ጦርነቱ ትክክል ነው፣ ከህወሓት ጋር ነው። ወንጀለኞችን ለህግ ለማቅረብ የሚደረግ ህግ የማስከበር ስራ ነው። ብላችሁ ለምታምኑ ህሊናችሁን…