Arkebe Oqubay Breaks Down Ethiopia’s Fast-Growing Economy

Special Adviser to the Ethiopian Prime Minister Arkebe Oqubay discusses the Ethiopian economy, their foreign exchange reserves and the country’s infrastructure investment. He speaks to Bloomberg’s Rishaad Salamat and Haidi Lun on “Bloomberg Markets.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Apparently, Arkebe Oqubay said nothing about the Sunday’s tragedy of the death of at least 46 people in a giant rubbish landslide near Addis Ababa. In the last 24 hours the event has got widespread international media coverage. Probably, it breaks-down the so-called “fast-growing economy” much more realistically than Arkebe’s attempt.


Early this morning at 6 a.m Rueters identified the landslide event as a factor that need to be watched on March 13 by market analysts. Here is the detail:

AFrican Markets: Factors to watch on March 13:

Ethiopian Landslide

A landslide at a huge garbage dump on the outskirts of the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa killed 35 peopl who were searching for food and other goods there, an official said on Sunday.

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