18 Count, Fractional, and Other Nonnegative Responses

Also covered using Python and Stata

18.1 Example 18.1

Load libraries


Effects of Education on Fertility

OLS <- lm(children ~ educ + age + agesq + evermarr + urban + electric + tv, data=fertil2)
Poisson <- glm(children ~ educ + age + agesq + evermarr + urban + electric + tv, data=fertil2, family=poisson)

stargazer(OLS, Poisson, no.space=TRUE, type="text", title = "Table 18.1 OLS and Poisson Estimates of a Fertility Equation")
## Table 18.1 OLS and Poisson Estimates of a Fertility Equation
## ========================================================
##                             Dependent variable:         
##                     ------------------------------------
##                                   children              
##                                OLS             Poisson  
##                                (1)               (2)    
## --------------------------------------------------------
## educ                        -0.064***         -0.022*** 
##                              (0.006)           (0.003)  
## age                         0.272***           0.337*** 
##                              (0.017)           (0.010)  
## agesq                       -0.002***         -0.004*** 
##                             (0.0003)           (0.0001) 
## evermarr                    0.682***           0.315*** 
##                              (0.052)           (0.024)  
## urban                       -0.228***         -0.086*** 
##                              (0.046)           (0.022)  
## electric                    -0.262***         -0.121*** 
##                              (0.076)           (0.039)  
## tv                          -0.250***         -0.145*** 
##                              (0.090)           (0.047)  
## Constant                    -3.394***         -5.375*** 
##                              (0.245)           (0.163)  
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Observations                  4,358             4,358   
## R2                            0.590                     
## Adjusted R2                   0.589                     
## Log Likelihood                                -6,497.060
## Akaike Inf. Crit.                             13,010.120
## Residual Std. Error     1.424 (df = 4350)               
## F Statistic         893.910*** (df = 7; 4350)           
## ========================================================
## Note:                        *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01
poissonmfx(Poisson, data=fertil2, atmean = F)
## Call:
## poissonmfx(formula = Poisson, data = fertil2, atmean = F)
## Marginal Effects:
##                dF/dx   Std. Err.        z     P>|z|    
## educ     -0.04912535  0.00662408  -7.4162 1.205e-13 ***
## age       0.76491583  0.02380923  32.1269 < 2.2e-16 ***
## agesq    -0.00933287  0.00034254 -27.2459 < 2.2e-16 ***
## evermarr  0.67533842  0.04986768  13.5426 < 2.2e-16 ***
## urban    -0.19458611  0.04883491  -3.9846 6.760e-05 ***
## electric -0.26136098  0.08052419  -3.2457  0.001171 ** 
## tv       -0.30907074  0.09527605  -3.2440  0.001179 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## dF/dx is for discrete change for the following variables:
## [1] "evermarr" "urban"    "electric" "tv"

18.2 Example 18.2

Is Education Endogenous in the Fertility Equation?

fertil2 <- subset(fertil2, !is.na(electric))
v2 <- resid(OLS <- lm(educ ~ frsthalf + age + agesq + evermarr + urban + electric + tv, data=fertil2))
Poisson <- glm(children ~ educ + age + agesq + evermarr + urban + electric + tv + v2, data=fertil2, family=poisson)
stargazer(OLS, Poisson, no.space=TRUE, type="text") 
## ========================================================
##                             Dependent variable:         
##                     ------------------------------------
##                               educ             children 
##                                OLS             Poisson  
##                                (1)               (2)    
## --------------------------------------------------------
## frsthalf                    -0.636***                   
##                              (0.104)                    
## educ                                            -0.046  
##                                                (0.032)  
## age                          -0.070*           0.336*** 
##                              (0.041)           (0.010)  
## agesq                        -0.001           -0.004*** 
##                              (0.001)           (0.0001) 
## evermarr                    -0.802***          0.294*** 
##                              (0.124)           (0.037)  
## urban                       0.864***           -0.065*  
##                              (0.109)           (0.035)  
## electric                    1.978***            -0.071  
##                              (0.179)           (0.076)  
## tv                          2.715***            -0.078  
##                              (0.211)           (0.100)  
## v2                                              0.025   
##                                                (0.032)  
## Constant                    8.203***          -5.185*** 
##                              (0.575)           (0.298)  
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Observations                  4,358             4,358   
## R2                            0.251                     
## Adjusted R2                   0.250                     
## Log Likelihood                                -6,496.771
## Akaike Inf. Crit.                             13,011.540
## Residual Std. Error     3.402 (df = 4350)               
## F Statistic         208.021*** (df = 7; 4350)           
## ========================================================
## Note:                        *p<0.1; **p<0.05; ***p<0.01