CHAPTER 15 - Instrumental Variables Estimation and Two Stage Least Squares#

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Example 15.1 Estimating the Return to Education for Married Women#

u mroz, clear
reg lwage educ
reg educ fathedu
ivreg lwage (educ=fathedu) 
. u mroz, clear

. reg lwage educ

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       428
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 426)       =     56.93
       Model |  26.3264193         1  26.3264193   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  197.001022       426  .462443713   R-squared       =    0.1179
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.1158
       Total |  223.327441       427  .523015084   Root MSE        =    .68003
       lwage | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        educ |
   .1086487   .0143998     7.55   0.000     .0803451    .1369523
       _cons |  -.1851968   .1852259    -1.00   0.318    -.5492673    .1788736
. reg educ fathedu

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       753
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 751)       =    182.81
       Model |  765.465719         1  765.465719   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  3144.57412       751  4.18718259   R-squared       =    0.1958
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.1947
       Total |  3910.03984       752  5.19952106   Root MSE        =    2.0463

        educ | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
    fatheduc |   .2824277   .0208884    13.52   0.000     .2414211    .3234343
       _cons |   9.799013   .1985373    49.36   0.000     9.409259    10.18877
. ivreg lwage (educ=fathedu) 

Instrumental variables 2SLS regression

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       428
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 426)       =      2.84
       Model |  20.8673606         1  20.8673606   Prob > F        =    0.0929
    Residual |   202.46008       426  .475258404   R-squared       =    0.0934
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.0913
       Total |  223.327441       427  .523015084   Root MSE        =    .68939

       lwage | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        educ |   .0591735   .0351418     1.68   0.093    -.0098994    .1282463
       _cons |   .4411034   .4461018     0.99   0.323    -.4357312    1.317938
Endogenous: educ
Exogenous:  fatheduc


Example 15.2 Estimating the Return to Education for Men#

u wage2, clear
reg educ sibs
ivreg lwage (educ=sibs) 
reg lwage edu, nohead
. u wage2, clear
. reg educ sibs

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       935
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 933)       =     56.67
       Model |  258.055048         1  258.055048   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |   4248.7642       933  4.55387374   R-squared       =    0.0573
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.0562
       Total |  4506.81925       934  4.82528828   Root MSE        =     2.134

        educ | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        sibs |  -.2279164   .0302768    -7.53   0.000     -.287335   -.1684979
       _cons |   14.13879   .1131382   124.97   0.000     13.91676    14.36083

. ivreg lwage (educ=sibs) 

Instrumental variables 2SLS regression

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       935
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 933)       =     21.59
       Model | -1.51973315         1 -1.51973315   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  167.176016       933  .179181154   R-squared       =         .
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =         .
       Total |  165.656283       934  .177362188   Root MSE        =     .4233
       lwage | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        educ |   .1224326   .0263506     4.65   0.000     .0707194    .1741459
       _cons |   5.130026   .3551712    14.44   0.000     4.432999    5.827053
Endogenous: educ
Exogenous:  sibs

. reg lwage edu, nohead
       lwage | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        educ |   .0598392   .0059631    10.03   0.000     .0481366    .0715418
       _cons |   5.973063   .0813737    73.40   0.000     5.813366    6.132759


Example 15.3 Estimating the Effect of Smoking on Birth Weight#

u bwght, clear
reg packs cigprice
ivreg lbwght (packs=cigprice)
. u bwght, clear

. reg packs cigprice
      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     1,388
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 1386)      =      0.13
       Model |  .011648626         1  .011648626   Prob > F        =    0.7179
    Residual |  123.684481     1,386  .089238442   R-squared       =    0.0001
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =   -0.0006
       Total |  123.696129     1,387  .089182501   Root MSE        =    .29873

       packs | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
    cigprice |   .0002829    .000783     0.36   0.718    -.0012531    .0018188
       _cons |   .0674257   .1025384     0.66   0.511    -.1337215    .2685728

. ivreg lbwght (packs=cigprice)

Instrumental variables 2SLS regression

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     1,388
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 1386)      =      0.12
       Model | -1171.28207         1 -1171.28207   Prob > F        =    0.7312
    Residual |  1221.70241     1,386  .881459168   R-squared       =         .
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =         .
       Total |  50.4203336     1,387  .036352079   Root MSE        =    .93886

      lbwght | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       packs |   2.988676   8.698888     0.34   0.731    -14.07573    20.05309
       _cons |   4.448136   .9081552     4.90   0.000     2.666629    6.229644
Endogenous: packs
Exogenous:  cigprice


Example 15.4 Using College Proximity as an IV for Education#

u card, clear
qui reg educ nearc4 exper* black smsa south smsa66 reg6* 
display "Constant = " _[_cons] ", b1 = " _b[nearc4] ", b2 = " _b[exper]
eststo OLS: qui reg lwage educ exper* black smsa south smsa66 reg6* 
eststo IV: qui ivreg lwage (educ=nearc4) exper* black smsa south smsa66 reg6* 
estout, cells(b(nostar fmt(3)) se(par fmt(3))) stats(r2 N, fmt(%9.3f %9.0g) labels(R-squared Observations)) varlabels(_cons constant) varwidth(20) ti("Table 15.1 Dependent Variable: (lwage)")
est clear
. u card, clear
. qui reg educ nearc4 exper* black smsa south smsa66 reg6* 

. display "Constant = " _[_cons] ", b1 = " _b[nearc4] ", b2 = " _b[exper]
Constant = 1, b1 = .31989894, b2 = -.41253338
. eststo OLS: qui reg lwage educ exper* black smsa south smsa66 reg6* 
. eststo IV: qui ivreg lwage (educ=nearc4) exper* black smsa south smsa66 reg6*

. estout, cells(b(nostar fmt(3)) se(par fmt(3))) stats(r2 N, fmt(%9.3f %9.0g) l
> abels(R-squared Observations)) varlabels(_cons constant) varwidth(20) ti("Tab
> le 15.1 Dependent Variable: (lwage)")

Table 15.1 Dependent Variable: (lwage)
                              OLS           IV
                             b/se         b/se
educ                        0.075        0.132
                          (0.003)      (0.055)
exper                       0.085        0.108
                          (0.007)      (0.024)
expersq                    -0.002       -0.002
                          (0.000)      (0.000)
black                      -0.199       -0.147
                          (0.018)      (0.054)
smsa                        0.136        0.112
                          (0.020)      (0.032)
south                      -0.148       -0.145
                          (0.026)      (0.027)
smsa66                      0.026        0.019
                          (0.019)      (0.022)
reg661                     -0.141        0.083
                          (0.045)      (0.059)
reg662                     -0.044        0.184
                          (0.037)      (0.055)
reg663                      0.004        0.231
                          (0.035)      (0.054)
reg664                     -0.085        0.133
                          (0.042)      (0.055)
reg665                     -0.012        0.229
                          (0.027)      (0.067)
reg666                      0.000        0.246
                              (.)      (0.072)
reg667                     -0.023        0.218
                          (0.031)      (0.068)
reg668                     -0.197        0.000
                          (0.052)          (.)
reg669                     -0.022        0.191
                          (0.040)      (0.051)
constant                    4.761        3.583
                          (0.073)      (0.951)
R-squared                   0.300        0.238
Observations                 3010         3010

. est clear

Example 15.5 Return to Education for Working Women#

u mroz, clear
qui reg educ exper* fatheduc motheduc 
test fatheduc motheduc
ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc) exper*
qui reg lwage educ exper*
display "b1 = " _b[educ]
. u mroz, clear

. qui reg educ exper* fatheduc motheduc 

. test fatheduc motheduc
 ( 1)  fatheduc = 0
 ( 2)  motheduc = 0

       F(  2,   748) =  124.76
            Prob > F =    0.0000

. ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc) exper*

Instrumental variables 2SLS regression

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       428
-------------+----------------------------------   F(3, 424)       =      8.14
       Model |  30.3074256         3  10.1024752   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  193.020015       424  .455235885   R-squared       =    0.1357
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.1296
       Total |  223.327441       427  .523015084   Root MSE        =    .67471

       lwage | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        educ |   .0613966   .0314367     1.95   0.051    -.0003945    .1231878
       exper |   .0441704   .0134325     3.29   0.001     .0177679    .0705729
     expersq |   -.000899   .0004017    -2.24   0.026    -.0016885   -.0001094
       _cons |   .0481003   .4003281     0.12   0.904    -.7387744     .834975
Endogenous: educ
Exogenous:  exper expersq fatheduc motheduc

. qui reg lwage educ exper*

. display "b1 = " _b[educ]
b1 = .10748964


Example 15.6 Using Two Test Scores as Indicators of Ability#

u wage2, clear
ivreg lwage educ exper tenure married south urban black (IQ=KWW)
. u wage2, clear

. ivreg lwage educ exper tenure married south urban black (IQ=KWW)

Instrumental variables 2SLS regression

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       935
-------------+----------------------------------   F(8, 926)       =     36.96
       Model |  31.4665121         8  3.93331401   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  134.189771       926   .14491336   R-squared       =    0.1900
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.1830
       Total |  165.656283       934  .177362188   Root MSE        =    .38067
       lwage | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
          IQ |   .0130473   .0049341     2.64   0.008     .0033641    .0227305
        educ |   .0250321   .0166068     1.51   0.132    -.0075591    .0576234
       exper |     .01442   .0033208     4.34   0.000     .0079029    .0209371
      tenure |   .0104562   .0026012     4.02   0.000     .0053512    .0155612
     married |   .2006903   .0406775     4.93   0.000     .1208595    .2805211
       south |  -.0515532   .0311279    -1.66   0.098    -.1126426    .0095361
       urban |   .1767058   .0282117     6.26   0.000     .1213394    .2320722
       black |  -.0225612   .0739597    -0.31   0.760    -.1677093    .1225869
       _cons |   4.592453   .3257807    14.10   0.000     3.953099    5.231807
Endogenous: IQ
Exogenous:  educ exper tenure married south urban black KWW


Example 15.7 Return to Education for Working Women#

u mroz, clear
qui reg educ exper* fatheduc motheduc if inlf==1
predict v2, res
ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc) exper* v2
qui reg lwage educ exper*
display "The OLS estimate is " _b[educ] " (" _se[educ] ")"
. u mroz, clear

. qui reg educ exper* fatheduc motheduc if inlf==1
. predict v2, res

. ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc) exper* v2

Instrumental variables 2SLS regression

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       428
-------------+----------------------------------   F(4, 423)       =     20.50
       Model |  36.2573098         4  9.06432745   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  187.070131       423  .442246173   R-squared       =    0.1624
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.1544
       Total |  223.327441       427  .523015084   Root MSE        =    .66502

       lwage | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        educ |   .0613966   .0309849     1.98   0.048      .000493    .1223003
       exper |   .0441704   .0132394     3.34   0.001     .0181471    .0701937
     expersq |   -.000899   .0003959    -2.27   0.024    -.0016772   -.0001208
          v2 |   .0581666   .0348073     1.67   0.095    -.0102502    .1265834
       _cons |   .0481003   .3945753     0.12   0.903    -.7274721    .8236727
Endogenous: educ
Exogenous:  exper expersq v2 fatheduc motheduc

. qui reg lwage educ exper*
. display "The OLS estimate is " _b[educ] " (" _se[educ] ")"
The OLS estimate is .10748964 (.01414648)


Example 15.8 Return to Education for Working Women#

u mroz, clear
qui ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc) exper* 
predict u1, res
reg u1 exper* fatheduc motheduc 
display "N*Rsquared =" e(r2)*e(N)
. u mroz, clear

. qui ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc) exper* 
. predict u1, res
(325 missing values generated)

. reg u1 exper* fatheduc motheduc 

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       428
-------------+----------------------------------   F(4, 423)       =      0.09
       Model |  .170503136         4  .042625784   Prob > F        =    0.9845
    Residual |   192.84951       423  .455909007   R-squared       =    0.0009
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =   -0.0086
       Total |  193.020013       427  .452037502   Root MSE        =    .67521

          u1 | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       exper |  -.0000183   .0133291    -0.00   0.999    -.0262179    .0261813
     expersq |   7.34e-07   .0003985     0.00   0.999    -.0007825     .000784
    fatheduc |   .0057823   .0111786     0.52   0.605    -.0161902    .0277547
    motheduc |  -.0066065   .0118864    -0.56   0.579    -.0299704    .0167573
       _cons |   .0109641   .1412571     0.08   0.938    -.2666892    .2886173

. display "N*Rsquared =" e(r2)*e(N)
N*Rsquared =.37807138

qui ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc huseduc) exper* 
predict u1_h, res
qui reg u1_h exper* fatheduc motheduc huseduc
display "N*Rsquared =" e(r2)*e(N)
. qui ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc huseduc) exper* 
. predict u1_h, res
(325 missing values generated)

. qui reg u1_h exper* fatheduc motheduc huseduc

. display "N*Rsquared =" e(r2)*e(N)
N*Rsquared =1.115043

qui ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc huseduc) exper* 
display "The IV estimate using all three instruments is " _b[educ] " (" _se[educ] ")"
qui ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc) exper* 
display "The IV estimate using two instruments is " _b[educ] " (" _se[educ] ")"
. qui ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc huseduc) exper* 

. display "The IV estimate using all three instruments is " _b[educ] " (" _se[e
> duc] ")"
The IV estimate using all three instruments is .08039176 (.02177397)

. qui ivreg lwage (educ=fatheduc motheduc) exper* 
. display "The IV estimate using two instruments is " _b[educ] " (" _se[educ] "
> )"
The IV estimate using two instruments is .06139663 (.0314367)


Example 15.9 Effect of Education on Fertility#

u fertil1, clear
ivreg kids (educ=meduc feduc) age agesq black-y84
qui reg kids educ age agesq black-y84
display "The OLS estimate is " _b[educ] " (" _se[educ] ")"
. u fertil1, clear

. ivreg kids (educ=meduc feduc) age agesq black-y84

Instrumental variables 2SLS regression

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     1,129
-------------+----------------------------------   F(17, 1111)     =      7.72
       Model |   395.36632        17  23.2568424   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  2690.14298     1,111  2.42137082   R-squared       =    0.1281
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.1148
       Total |   3085.5093     1,128  2.73538059   Root MSE        =    1.5561
        kids | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        educ |  -.1527395   .0392232    -3.89   0.000    -.2296993   -.0757796
         age |   .5235536   .1390348     3.77   0.000     .2507532     .796354
       agesq |   -.005716   .0015705    -3.64   0.000    -.0087976   -.0026345
       black |   1.072952   .1737155     6.18   0.000      .732105      1.4138
        east |   .2285554   .1338537     1.71   0.088    -.0340792    .4911901
    northcen |   .3744188    .122061     3.07   0.002     .1349228    .6139148
        west |   .2076398   .1676568     1.24   0.216    -.1213199    .5365995
        farm |  -.0770015   .1513718    -0.51   0.611    -.3740083    .2200053
    othrural |  -.1952451    .181551    -1.08   0.282    -.5514666    .1609764
        town |     .08181   .1246821     0.66   0.512     -.162829    .3264489
      smcity |   .2124996    .160425     1.32   0.186    -.1022706    .5272698
         y74 |   .2721292    .172944     1.57   0.116    -.0672045    .6114629
         y76 |  -.0945483   .1792324    -0.53   0.598    -.4462205    .2571239
         y78 |  -.0572543   .1825536    -0.31   0.754     -.415443    .3009343
         y80 |   -.053248   .1847175    -0.29   0.773    -.4156825    .3091865
         y82 |  -.4962149   .1765888    -2.81   0.005       -.8427   -.1497297
         y84 |  -.5213604   .1779205    -2.93   0.003    -.8704586   -.1722623
       _cons |  -7.241244   3.136642    -2.31   0.021    -13.39565   -1.086834
Endogenous: educ
Exogenous:  age agesq black east northcen west farm othrural town smcity y74
            y76 y78 y80 y82 y84 meduc feduc

. qui reg kids educ age agesq black-y84

. display "The OLS estimate is " _b[educ] " (" _se[educ] ")"
The OLS estimate is -.12842683 (.0183486)

reg educ meduc feduc
predict v2, res
ivreg kids (educ=meduc feduc) age agesq black-y84 v2
. //Endogeneity 
. reg educ meduc feduc

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     1,129
-------------+----------------------------------   F(2, 1126)      =    207.06
       Model |  2114.27432         2  1057.13716   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  5748.84171     1,126  5.10554326   R-squared       =    0.2689
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.2676
       Total |  7863.11603     1,128  6.97084755   Root MSE        =    2.2595

        educ | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       meduc |   .1844065    .021749     8.48   0.000     .1417333    .2270796
       feduc |   .2208784    .024996     8.84   0.000     .1718344    .2699225
       _cons |   8.860898   .2034806    43.55   0.000     8.461654    9.260142

. predict v2, res

. ivreg kids (educ=meduc feduc) age agesq black-y84 v2
Instrumental variables 2SLS regression

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =     1,129
-------------+----------------------------------   F(18, 1110)     =      9.21
       Model |  400.801638        18  22.2667576   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  2684.70766     1,110  2.41865555   R-squared       =    0.1299
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.1158
       Total |   3085.5093     1,128  2.73538059   Root MSE        =    1.5552

        kids | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
        educ |  -.1507639   .0367462    -4.10   0.000    -.2228636   -.0786641
         age |   .5305436   .1384365     3.83   0.000     .2589168    .8021704
       agesq |   -.005796   .0015647    -3.70   0.000    -.0088661   -.0027259
       black |   1.061535   .1747383     6.07   0.000     .7186803     1.40439
        east |   .2208112   .1329111     1.66   0.097    -.0399742    .4815965
    northcen |   .3715649   .1215229     3.06   0.002     .1331244    .6100054
        west |   .2044791   .1672389     1.22   0.222    -.1236609     .532619
        farm |  -.0651969   .1483216    -0.44   0.660    -.3562192    .2258255
    othrural |  -.1777856   .1767678    -1.01   0.315    -.5246223    .1690511
        town |   .0798824   .1247224     0.64   0.522    -.1648358    .3246006
      smcity |   .2099867   .1603553     1.31   0.191     -.104647    .5246204
         y74 |   .2719416   .1728386     1.57   0.116    -.0671855    .6110688
         y76 |  -.0984073   .1790925    -0.55   0.583    -.4498053    .2529906
         y78 |  -.0637286   .1818614    -0.35   0.726    -.4205596    .2931023
         y80 |  -.0651716   .1830214    -0.36   0.722    -.4242785    .2939352
         y82 |  -.5143435   .1728653    -2.98   0.003    -.8535231   -.1751638
         y84 |   -.534601   .1752043    -3.05   0.002      -.87837    -.190832
          v2 |   .0291597   .0415585     0.70   0.483    -.0523823    .1107017
       _cons |  -7.407479   3.089573    -2.40   0.017    -13.46954   -1.345417
Endogenous: educ
Exogenous:  age agesq black east northcen west farm othrural town smcity y74
            y76 y78 y80 y82 y84 v2 meduc feduc


Example 15.10 Job Training and Worker Productivity#

u jtrain, clear
reg chrsemp cgrant if year==1988
ivreg clscrap (chrsemp = cgrant) if year==1988
ivreg clscrap chrsemp if year==1988
. u jtrain, clear

. reg chrsemp cgrant if year==1988

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =       125
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 123)       =     79.37
       Model |  18117.5987         1  18117.5987   Prob > F        =    0.0000
    Residual |  28077.3319       123  228.270991   R-squared       =    0.3922
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.3873
       Total |  46194.9306       124  372.539763   Root MSE        =    15.109
     chrsemp | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
      cgrant |   27.87793   3.129216     8.91   0.000     21.68384    34.07202
       _cons |   .5093234   1.558337     0.33   0.744     -2.57531    3.593956

. ivreg clscrap (chrsemp = cgrant) if year==1988

Instrumental variables 2SLS regression

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =        45
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 43)        =      3.20
       Model |  .274951237         1  .274951237   Prob > F        =    0.0808
    Residual |  17.0148885        43  .395695081   R-squared       =    0.0159
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =   -0.0070
       Total |  17.2898397        44  .392950903   Root MSE        =    .62904

     clscrap | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
     chrsemp |  -.0141532   .0079147    -1.79   0.081    -.0301148    .0018084
       _cons |  -.0326684   .1269512    -0.26   0.798    -.2886898     .223353
Endogenous: chrsemp
Exogenous:  cgrant

. ivreg clscrap chrsemp if year==1988

Instrumental variables 2SLS regression

      Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =        45
-------------+----------------------------------   F(1, 43)        =      2.84
       Model |  1.07071245         1  1.07071245   Prob > F        =    0.0993
    Residual |  16.2191273        43  .377189007   R-squared       =    0.0619
-------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.0401
       Total |  17.2898397        44  .392950903   Root MSE        =    .61416

     clscrap | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
     chrsemp |  -.0076007   .0045112    -1.68   0.099    -.0166984    .0014971
       _cons |  -.1035161    .103736    -1.00   0.324    -.3127197    .1056875
(no endogenous regressors)
